Sunday, August 23, 2009

Congratulations to Pack #114 new Wolf Scouts!

This summer the boys in Pack #114 have been quite busy earning belt loops, attending Cub Scout Camp, and ....earning new Ranks! Congratulations go out to the newest Wolves in our Pack! These boys have worked their way through the Wolf book, and have achieved the Wolf Rank! They are now ready to start working on the Bear book! The Cub Scouts who have achieved this honor are: Moses Bower Kameron Day Issac Nash Lane Page Braeden Sanders Jeffrey Stratton We also extend Congratulations to our newest Bobcat! Hunter Avila Be sure to be at the next Pack meeting which will be on Tues, August 25, 09 at 6pm. All Bear Cubs and Webelos Scouts need to meet at 5:30 to go over and review the flag ceremony. If you have been assigned to snacks/drink, please bring them a few minutes before 6 so we can get started on time! See you there!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Important August Announcements

Important: The Wolf and Bear Scouts next meeting will be held at the August Pack Meeting. The Pack meeting is scheduled for August 25th,09 at 6:00 p.m. It will be held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint building 1164 N. Newcomb, in Porterville. This meeting is for ALL of the Cubscouts (Bobcat, Wolf, Bear, Webelos)and their families. Many awards and advancements will be presented. Show your support and attend this meeting. Please have all Scouts attend in Full Uniform. We can't express enough the importance of Parent involvement and attendence at Pack and Den Meetings. These meetings are set up to highlight the accomplishments of the boys, and without your support the program won't be successful. We have an exciting year of fun activities set up for the Cub Scouts, but we need your help. We would love for the parents to attend the monthly Committee meetings and help plan for each month's Pack meeting,and other big events like the Blue and Gold and the Pinewood Derby. Next month we will also have a big event-the Popcorn Extravaganze! We can accomplish great things together! This is going to be a great year! See you at the Pack Meeting!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

August Theme:Fun in the Sun

WOLF SCOUTS: Advancement possibilities highlighted with this months theme: Achievements 2a, 8e; Elective 11. With the summer in full swing, have fun in the sun. Cub Scouts can enjoy the special times with their family and plan a picnic. Have your son involved in planning what to do, what to cook, and what to bring to make it all happen. Boys learn a valuable lesson when they learn that planning for activities is satisfying when all the plans fall into place and the event is successful. Additional achievements and electives that support this theme, such as: ••Achievement 4f, Know Your Home and Community: “Fun in the sun” applies to trips of discovery. Families will benefit from visiting a local historic location. ••Achievement 10, Family Fun: When Cub Scouts complete the Character Connection for Cooperation, it opens the door to family communication and working together toward mutual goals. ••Elective 14, Pets: Boys can enjoy their pets and have fun with them in the sun while learning responsibility as they take care of pets over the summer. BEAR SCOUTS Advancement possibilities highlighted in this month’s meeting plans: Achievements 9d, 9e, 12, 15, 16, 18d, 18e. Fun in the sun takes planning. Bear Cub Scouts get a chance to learn organizational skills this month. The den will plan its family outdoor day—details of the location, the menu and what foods to bring, what games to play, and what equipment will be needed. This is a shining opportunity for the boys to have a critical part in planning their activity. Congratulate your Cub Scouts, because the ability to organize is an essential life skill. Additional achievements and electives that support this theme, such as: ••Achievement 14, Ride Right: Summertime brings outdoor time, and boys will be riding bikes. Reinforce bike safety and traffic knowledge. With school right around the corner, being aware of the route to school may be important for many. ••Achievement 24, Be a Leader: Boys may see a new boy in their neighborhood or have new den members from spring recruiting. Each Cub Scout can help a new boy through the Bobcat trail or identify a new neighbor who would like to join Cub Scouting. ••Elective 6b, Aircraft: Vacation time often involves travel. As Cub Scouts experience airplane flight, they have the chance to review what kind of an airplane they are on and what it is that makes it fly!


There will be a Bear and Wolf Cubscout meeting on August 1, 09 at 6:30pm. Please bring your books and wear your uniforms. Hope to see you there!!