Saturday, June 27, 2009
June Theme: A-Camping We Will Go
Monday, June 22, 2009
Cub Scout Day Camp
Kameron plays Character Counts Bingo.
Day 2:Activities
Astronaut Character Training-The Tulare County Department of Education talked about the pillars of Character and played spin the wheel and bingo with the Cub Scouts. An interesting quote overheard from one of our cubs during this activity was "I swore to myself I would never pick up a piece of paper after school was out. " We got a laugh from this comment.
Alien Creature-The Cubs made salt dough and created their own Alien Creature with pipe cleaner, cookie cutters, and eyes.
Alien Nature Walk-An informational walk from a Boy Scout leader who also happened to be a bioligist. The boys collected quite a few specimens along the way.
Map & Compass- We learned how to read a compass, as well as how to determine how far to walk when reading a map. The boys found a geo cache treasure at the end. (Jolly Ranchers).
Gary , Mason and Ethen wait for instructions during the Alien Creature Class.
Day 3 Activities:
Astro-"Knots"- The boys learned how to tie a slip knot, bow-line knot and square knot.
First Aid-We made Nasa First Aid kits, and practiced what to do for various injuries. The Cubs had allot of fun pretending to be injured.
Puppets-The boys made paperbag puppets that looked like Aliens.
Frisbee Golf-Another fun activity, that wore us out.
Moses and Gavrie treat a seriously injured Lane during their Nasa Medical Training. Day 4 Activities:
Jedi Training-The cubscouts battled against other young padawans. The force was strong with the younglings.
Paint Alien Creatures-They painted the salt dough creatures.
Lowes Project-Lowes came out and had different kits for the kids to build.
Archery-The long awaited Archery training, wasn't a disappointment for our boys.
Gavin battles it out with another youngling.
Gavrie battles hard to survive this epic struggle
Moses watches on, as Kameron takes aim at his target.
Day 5 Activities:
Solar Mobiles
Lunar Rover-The boys had to build a lunar rover and then race it.
Astronaut Training-A vigourous obstacle course for young astronauts
Water Rocket Relay-A wet adventure for leaders and Cubscouts
Air Rockets-Chaos, Waterballoons and Rockets-you get the picture.
Outdoor Flag Ceremony: Requirement 3i Moon Prints-requirement 7A Mission Control Log-requirement 18C(partial-must continue for one more week),18G Astronaut Character Training-1A,3j,8G,11G,18H,21G,24F Nature Walk-elective4 7A Obstacle Course-elective 7A Astronomy/Solar Mobile-elective 1F Other requirements- 7B,9E,12C,15B Other electives-9A (Can count two times for solar mobile and clay alien), 25F
All Scouts:
Archery Belt Loop BB shooting belt loop Map and Compass Belt Loop Map and Compass Pin-requirement 6,10,12 Ultimate Belt Loop Astronomy Belt Loop Leave No Trace-requirement 1,2,4,5,6 Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Award